PSS Joins RSTC US Council

By unanimous vote, the Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC) US Board of Directors welcomes Professional Scuba Schools (PSS) as an associate member. PSS will join IANTD, NASE, NAUI, PADI, PDIC, RAID, SDI, SNSI, and SSI as members of the RSTC US Council.

“We are excited and honored to join RSTC US,” said Stefano Ruia, Director of International Training and Business Development.  “As we continue to become more recognized in North America, it is important that we show our commitment to the safety standards established by RSTC.” The RSTC US Council is pleased to have PSS as part of the council, expanding the membership means more positive impact for the SCUBA diving industry.

RSTC minimum scuba training standards are recognized as the global industry standard. New members are assessed to ensure compliance with RSTC standards. Members must make an ongoing commitment to ensure compliance with RSTC standards.

Scuba training organizations interested in applying for membership with the RSTC may download membership information at

Statement Regarding Covid-19 Precaustions


With the ever-evolving Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic, all divers and scuba leadership must continue to travel and dive in a safe and responsible manner.  The World Health Organization, as well as various agencies in the USA, continually monitor the spread of this disease and advise specific precautions.  Following these published guidelines is advised for all.

Use of face masks, social distancing, and hand washing appear to be our best defense.  If planning to travel, research the conditions regarding disease spread in the area where you will be going.  Wearing a facemask anytime you are in any crowd is advised regardless of circumstances.

Any scuba equipment, including regulator second stages, buoyancy devices, etc. being used by multiple persons during training and equipment rental, must be disinfected between uses.  Advice on disinfection methods and products can come from the Divers Alert Network and any equipment manufacturers.

Divers Alert Network (March 31, 2021) tells us to be aware returning to diving after an individual has suffered coronavirus.  “With regard to diving, we are particularly concerned about the pulmonary and cardiovascular aspects.  “Consequently, there is no one-size-fits-all approach for a medical assessment of dive fitness after Covid-19.”  Contact for the latest updates.  The full DAN article can be reached at:


Avoiding Disease Transmission in Diver Training

Your personal health and safety and that of your diving students is and must be an utmost priority. As we confront the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak worldwide, it is critical that dive instructors, dive centers and dive operators take precautions to minimize potential risk of disease transmission to their students and guests.

SNSI Joins RSTC US Council

By unanimous vote, the Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC) US Board of Directors welcomes Scuba and Nitrox Safety International (SNSI) as a member. SNSI will join PADI, PDIC, SDI, SSI, NAUI and RAID as members of the RSTC US. In November 2015, the RSTC announced changes to its membership criteria. These changes will increase membership and allow more active participation from diver training organizations worldwide. Increased participation in the RSTC’s mission will have a continued positive impact upon diver safety.

Fulvia Lami, CEO of SNSI states, “We look forward to contributing and working with all the other members to increase the safety and popularity of our sport as we have done for the past 20 years as members of the WRSTC.” Dan Orr, RSTC Coordinator said: “We are very pleased to have SNSI join the Recreational Scuba Training Council US and we look forward to their active participation in the RSTC’s mission of developing worldwide minimum scuba training standards.”

RSTC minimum scuba training standards are recognized as the global industry standard. New members are assessed to ensure compliance with RSTC standards. Members must make an ongoing commitment to ensure compliance with RSTC standards.

Scuba training organizations interested in applying for membership with the RSTC may download membership information at

NAUI Joins RSTC US Council

By unanimous vote, the Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC) US Board of Directors welcomes the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) as a member. NAUI will join PADI, PDIC, SDI, SSI, RAID and SNSI as members of the RSTC US. In November 2015, the RSTC announced changes to its membership criteria. These changes will increase membership and allow more active participation from diver training organizations worldwide. Increased participation in the RSTC’s mission will have a continued positive impact upon diver safety.

Dallas Edmiston, NAUI Executive Director states “NAUI has always recognized the important role RSTC plays in the diving industry and we could not be happier to be accepted as a member of the council. As an established leader, we look forward to adding our voice in shaping the future of diving”

Dan Orr, RSTC Coordinator said: “We are very pleased to have NAUI join the Recreational Scuba Training Council and we look forward to their active participation in the RSTC’s mission of developing worldwide minimum scuba training standards.”

RSTC minimum scuba training standards are recognized as the global industry standard. New members are assessed to ensure compliance with RSTC standards. Members must make an ongoing commitment to ensure compliance with RSTC standards.

Scuba training organizations interested in applying for membership with the RSTC may download membership information at

Minimum Course Content for Common Hand Signals for Scuba Diving

The Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC), the secretariat for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in regards to recreational diving instructional standards, has revised the Minimum Course Content for Common Hand Signals for Scuba Diving standard and is being submitted to ANSI for accreditation. As is a required part of the ANSI process, the document is being made available for review. Anyone interested in a copy of the revised standard in electronic format can request a copy from Dan Orr, RSTC Coordinator at

RAID Joins RSTC US Council

By unanimous vote, the RSTC Board of Directors welcomes RAID as its newest member. Rebreather Association of International Divers was formed in 2007, and will join PADI, PDIC, SDI and SSI as members of the RSTC. The RSTC announced changes to its membership criteria in November 2015, accepting members at two levels, Associate Member and Voting Member. The RSTC seeks to continue to improve diver safety, and increasing membership is part of this strategy. RAID was the first training organization to answer that call and make application. RAID CEO Jim Holliday states “RAID is proud to be accepted as an RSTC Associate Member and RAID is committed to meet its commitment to help uphold the safety standards of the RSTC.” Dan Orr, RSTC Coordinator said, “we are very pleased to have another agency join our council.” He went on to say, “RAID was very enthusiastic and jumped at the chance to join. We look forward to their active participation.”

RSTC training requirements are recognized around the world as the global industry standard. New members are assessed to ensure compliance with RSTC standards. Members must make an ongoing commitment to ensure compliance with RSTC standards.

Scuba training organizations interested in applying for membership with the RSTC may download membership information at

Recreational Scuba Training Council Revises and Updates Membership Application Process

The Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC) has revised the application process for organization membership. While additional changes may be made in the future, RSTC is looking to expand the membership in the organization by implementing these changes more scuba training agencies will have the opportunity become part of the important work of the RSTC.

A few of the changes are listed below:

– Membership Application now allows agencies located outside the United States to apply for membership within the RSTC. The new membership application includes an Associate Member level.
– The updated process allows membership for training organizations conducting business within the United States, as well as other locations globally.

Scuba training agencies that are interested in applying for membership in the RSTC should visit and go to the download area where all information is located.

RSTC Approves Supervised Diver Standard

Effective August 2010 RSTC approved the Supervised Diver standard.

This standard covers the requirements to conduct dives for divers with a limited diver rating.

These divers must dive under the supervision of a certified dive professional to a limited depth. The Supervised Diver standard is a subset of the Open Water Diver standard. All the information and skills required for certification as a Supervised Diver are part of the Open Water Diver standard. Agencies that offer this level of certification may have procedures a diver completes to upgrade to an Open Water Diver rating.

WRSTC Website Revised

The WRSTC website has been revised to provide clearer contact information for both WRSTC and the RSTC groups located around the world

The contact information for the WRSTC lists an email address as well as a mailing address. A separate email address for RSTC US has been developed, and is located on the contact page for the RSTC groups worldwide.

The website was update in September 2010.