By unanimous vote, the RSTC Board of Directors welcomes RAID as its newest member. Rebreather Association of International Divers was formed in 2007, and will join PADI, PDIC, SDI and SSI as members of the RSTC. The RSTC announced changes to its membership criteria in November 2015, accepting members at two levels, Associate Member and Voting Member. The RSTC seeks to continue to improve diver safety, and increasing membership is part of this strategy. RAID was the first training organization to answer that call and make application. RAID CEO Jim Holliday states “RAID is proud to be accepted as an RSTC Associate Member and RAID is committed to meet its commitment to help uphold the safety standards of the RSTC.” Dan Orr, RSTC Coordinator said, “we are very pleased to have another agency join our council.” He went on to say, “RAID was very enthusiastic and jumped at the chance to join. We look forward to their active participation.”
RSTC training requirements are recognized around the world as the global industry standard. New members are assessed to ensure compliance with RSTC standards. Members must make an ongoing commitment to ensure compliance with RSTC standards.
Scuba training organizations interested in applying for membership with the RSTC may download membership information at 12:05:172017-10-02 12:13:19RAID Joins RSTC US Council
The Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC) has revised the application process for organization membership. While additional changes may be made in the future, RSTC is looking to expand the membership in the organization by implementing these changes more scuba training agencies will have the opportunity become part of the important work of the RSTC.
A few of the changes are listed below:
– Membership Application now allows agencies located outside the United States to apply for membership within the RSTC. The new membership application includes an Associate Member level.
– The updated process allows membership for training organizations conducting business within the United States, as well as other locations globally.
Scuba training agencies that are interested in applying for membership in the RSTC should visit and go to the download area where all information is located. 00:00:292017-10-02 13:54:31Recreational Scuba Training Council Revises and Updates Membership Application Process
Effective August 2010 RSTC approved the Supervised Diver standard.
This standard covers the requirements to conduct dives for divers with a limited diver rating.
These divers must dive under the supervision of a certified dive professional to a limited depth. The Supervised Diver standard is a subset of the Open Water Diver standard. All the information and skills required for certification as a Supervised Diver are part of the Open Water Diver standard. Agencies that offer this level of certification may have procedures a diver completes to upgrade to an Open Water Diver rating. 15:01:572015-11-12 13:54:02RSTC Approves Supervised Diver Standard
The WRSTC website has been revised to provide clearer contact information for both WRSTC and the RSTC groups located around the world
The contact information for the WRSTC lists an email address as well as a mailing address. A separate email address for RSTC US has been developed, and is located on the contact page for the RSTC groups worldwide. 17:51:102015-12-09 15:35:41Entry Level Rescue Diver approved by the RSTC
ISO approves 6 Diving Standards
The International Standards Organization (ISO) is the largest developer of technical standards which positively impact our global society. In January 2007, six (6) recreational diving standards were approved. With the involvement of diver training organizations from many countries, ISO was able to act as a bridging organization to bring them all together to approve one standard that will be implemented world wide.
The ISO is a network of national standards institutes from 157 countries with a central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland that coordinates the system. For the United States, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the ISO representative. As the ANSI Accredited Standards Developer for recreational diving standards and safety, the Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC) actively participated in the ISO standards approval process.
Although some of the terminology is different, the long-standing industry standards developed by the RSTC are consistent with the applicable ISO Standards, as identified in the following chart.
RAID Joins RSTC US Council
By unanimous vote, the RSTC Board of Directors welcomes RAID as its newest member. Rebreather Association of International Divers was formed in 2007, and will join PADI, PDIC, SDI and SSI as members of the RSTC. The RSTC announced changes to its membership criteria in November 2015, accepting members at two levels, Associate Member and Voting Member. The RSTC seeks to continue to improve diver safety, and increasing membership is part of this strategy. RAID was the first training organization to answer that call and make application. RAID CEO Jim Holliday states “RAID is proud to be accepted as an RSTC Associate Member and RAID is committed to meet its commitment to help uphold the safety standards of the RSTC.” Dan Orr, RSTC Coordinator said, “we are very pleased to have another agency join our council.” He went on to say, “RAID was very enthusiastic and jumped at the chance to join. We look forward to their active participation.”
RSTC training requirements are recognized around the world as the global industry standard. New members are assessed to ensure compliance with RSTC standards. Members must make an ongoing commitment to ensure compliance with RSTC standards.
Scuba training organizations interested in applying for membership with the RSTC may download membership information at
Recreational Scuba Training Council Revises and Updates Membership Application Process
The Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC) has revised the application process for organization membership. While additional changes may be made in the future, RSTC is looking to expand the membership in the organization by implementing these changes more scuba training agencies will have the opportunity become part of the important work of the RSTC.
A few of the changes are listed below:
– Membership Application now allows agencies located outside the United States to apply for membership within the RSTC. The new membership application includes an Associate Member level.
– The updated process allows membership for training organizations conducting business within the United States, as well as other locations globally.
Scuba training agencies that are interested in applying for membership in the RSTC should visit and go to the download area where all information is located.
RSTC Approves Supervised Diver Standard
Effective August 2010 RSTC approved the Supervised Diver standard.
This standard covers the requirements to conduct dives for divers with a limited diver rating.
These divers must dive under the supervision of a certified dive professional to a limited depth. The Supervised Diver standard is a subset of the Open Water Diver standard. All the information and skills required for certification as a Supervised Diver are part of the Open Water Diver standard. Agencies that offer this level of certification may have procedures a diver completes to upgrade to an Open Water Diver rating.
WRSTC Website Revised
The WRSTC website has been revised to provide clearer contact information for both WRSTC and the RSTC groups located around the world
The contact information for the WRSTC lists an email address as well as a mailing address. A separate email address for RSTC US has been developed, and is located on the contact page for the RSTC groups worldwide.
The website was update in September 2010.
Entry Level Rescue Diver approved by the RSTC
Download Here
ISO approves 6 Diving Standards
ISO approves 6 Diving Standards
The International Standards Organization (ISO) is the largest developer of technical standards which positively impact our global society. In January 2007, six (6) recreational diving standards were approved. With the involvement of diver training organizations from many countries, ISO was able to act as a bridging organization to bring them all together to approve one standard that will be implemented world wide.
The ISO is a network of national standards institutes from 157 countries with a central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland that coordinates the system. For the United States, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the ISO representative. As the ANSI Accredited Standards Developer for recreational diving standards and safety, the Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC) actively participated in the ISO standards approval process.
Although some of the terminology is different, the long-standing industry standards developed by the RSTC are consistent with the applicable ISO Standards, as identified in the following chart.